Angostura® partnered with The Hummingbird House Foundation and provided financial support to convert the waiting room into a children’s playroom at the Wendy Fitzwilliam Paediatric Hospital, Mount Hope.

The Foundation indicated to Angostura® that there are children and babies living in the wards of the Wendy Fitzwilliam Paediatric Hospital without a comfortable space to express their creativity, foster learning and socialize.
Without hesitation, Angostura® welcomed the partnership with The Hummingbird House Foundation to create a warm and welcoming space for the children where they can find happiness and healing to create meaningful and lasting friendships while at the Hospital.
Angostura’s Executive Manager – Marketing, Sophie Charles-Barber said, “We are pleased to know that with the funds donated, the Foundation was able to re-paint walls, install moldings, scrub and polish floors, and install appliances and furniture. The Foundation informed us that the funds provided by Angostura® were used to renovate and refurbish not one, but two playrooms on the Surgical and Paediatrics Medical One Wards at Wendy Fitzwilliam Paediatric Hospital. This playroom is now a sanctuary of happiness and healing. Within these walls, children will discover shelves stacked with colourful books and toys that will transport them to far-off lands and spark their creativity.”

President of The Hummingbird House Foundation, Alexandria Bachan said, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot – but together we all can do great things and that is what we did today in this room. We renovated and refurbished two paediatrics’ playrooms in Mt. Hope. The conditions of the room before to the conditions of the room now is a huge transformation and I can’t wait for you all to see it.”

Angostura’s collaboration with the Hummingbird House Foundation for this project is just one of the Company’s many Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. We have forged partnerships with several other NGOs and groups to create a better life for those in society. Social sustainability – which is part of our Environmental, Social and Governance framework – is one of our main pillars in our business landscape and one where we benchmark our success. At Angostura, we measure success not only in financial terms but also in terms of our social impact and responsibility to society.