Angostura® presented book vouchers and stationery packages to the top SEA students from its fenceline community of Laventille/Morvant. Each student was presented with a book voucher valued at $1,200 and stationery package which consisted of hard and soft cover notebooks, geometry set, sketch pad folders, pens, pencils, highlighters, ruler, liquid paper, glue stick, pencil case and graph book.
The book vouchers and stationery packages will help prepare them for the start of the secondary school term.
Principal of Bethlehem Boys’ R.C. Primary school, Ms. Sherry Ann Celestine said, “You all have helped us not only in improving the environment of our school community, however, you all are recognizing the work of the students who work well.”
Acting Principal of Laventille Girls’ Government Primary school, Ms. Patricia Thorington said, “Really, really appreciate all the assistance Angostura® has been offering all the schools in East Port of Spain, without their help many times we would have been in a quandary.”
One parent, Ms. Shevon Singh said, “It is a great achievement for me as a mom, knowing that my daughter did her absolute best. I would like to say thank you to Angostura® for all the great work that they are doing and continue to do the good job that you are doing.”
Member of Parliament for Laventille East/Morvant, the Honourable Adrian Leonce said, “First let me congratulate all our SEA students who would have transitioned from primary to secondary school and have done so well, we see you as the future leaders, elders, doctors, politicians, policemen and future persons that are going to run this nation. Let us contribute to making Trinidad and Tobago a better place. Thank you, Angostura®.”